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Claim home warranty insurance
If your licenced contractor will not or cannot finish the work you contracted them to do, or if they do not fix defects, you may be eligible for a claim under the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme.
You may be able to make a claim if you own a home with an active home warranty insurance policy. The policy is attached to the property, so remains active for a specific time period even if the property is sold. This means you don't have to be the person who originally contracted the building work to make a claim.
Do an insurance search to see if your property has active home warranty insurance cover.
There are different eligibility requirements, time limits, and cover for:
- non-completion claims, including for:
- damage from fire, storm or tempest where your non-completion claim has been accepted.
- defective work claims.
NOTE: The policy conditions related to cover under the home warranty scheme are specified in legislation. The QBCC’s role is to administer the scheme in accordance with the legislation.
Begin claim process
The process for making a home warranty claim begins with lodging either a:
Once you lodge your complaint with us we will:
- assess your complaint to determine if you are eligible for our help
- tell you if you meet the criteria to make a home warranty claim.
Act in good faith
You must act in good faith to claim assistance under the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme.
This means that you must tell us anything you think might be relevant to our decision on your claim and you must answer our questions honestly.
If you don't do this and we later find out new information that means we would have declined your claim, we may recover any money we have paid out for your claim from you.